Our Pastor

Dr. Brian Najapfour

Dr. Brian G. Najapfour, a Filipino-born American pastor, holds a ThM from Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary and a PhD from the Theological University of Apeldoorn. He has served as a minister of the gospel since 2001, with pastoral experience in both the Philippines and the United States. Now residing in Canada, he pastors the Heritage Reformed Congregation in Jordan, Ontario. Dr. Najapfour is the author and co-editor of numerous books and has contributed articles to various journals, periodicals, and encyclopedias. He and his wife, Sarah, have five children.

Our Confessional Standards

Creeds and confessional standards help to distill what we believe as Christians to be a faithful summary of biblical truth and its application in order to aid the education of our members, refute error and heresy, and promote deeper bonds between our church and others nearby and around the world. The Heritage Reformed congregations hold to the classic creeds (The Apostles’ Creed, Nicene Creed, and Athanasian Creed) as well as what is called the “Three Forms of Unity”, comprised of the Heidelburg Catechism, the Belgic Confessions of Faith, and the Canons of Dordt. We also hold to the Westminster Standards. We also have a church order form that explains our view of church polity, or the operational and governance structure of our churches. You can learn about and read all of these here:

Our Denomination

The Heritage Reformed Congregations (HRC) is a solidly Biblical, Reformed, and orthodox denomination that is confessionally rooted in the Continental Reformation and influenced greatly by English Puritanism and Dutch polity. The word “Heritage” in the title reflects a commitment and desire to be true to this rich spiritual and theological legacy.

Learn more about our denomination and its various churches at the denominational website.